The manager decided to choose a responsible person to perform the task. 经理决定挑选一名有责任心的人来执行这项任务。
The responsible person from commerce department pointed out that China remained consistent in its opposition to trade protection. 商务部有关负责人同时指出,中国一贯坚决反对贸易保护主义。
When reporter asked construction units, the responsible person categorically denied the problems caused by improper construction. 记者询问施工单位时,负责人断然否认是施工不当造成的问题。
We should give the job to a responsible person. 我们应将该工作委托给一个有责任心的人。
It's what comes with being a caring, compassionate, responsible person. 这是作为一个有爱心、同情心和责任心的人所必须具有的特质。
Our teacher is a very responsible person. 我们的老师是一个非常可靠的人。
I love my family housing intermediaries responsible person clearly expressed his views. 房屋中介机构我爱我家的负责人明确表示了他的观点。
The program or plan is crucial to the food safety, because they regulate the responsible person, actions and schedule. 程序或计划对食品安全来说是非常关键的,因为它们规定了责任人、行动和时间表。
He turned out to be a responsible person. 结果表明他是一个负责任的人。
Supporting documents for the responsible person of the advertising business organization and the advertisement examiner. 广告经营机构负责人及广告审查员证明文件。
I know I am 47 and that I am a responsible person, obsessively punctual and conscientious. 我知道,我47岁了,是一个负责任的人,特别守时,而且尽职勤勉。
Fatherhood transformed him into a more responsible person. 做了父亲以后,他变得更富有责任感了。
He is a responsible person and can be trusted to carry out the plan. 他是一个负责的人,他去执行计划可以信赖。
The manager of construction contract section is the first responsible person for environmental protection. 施工合同段经理为环保第一责任人。
A more responsible person would not have left the work half done. 一个更负责的人是不会把工作做到一半就不管的。
Department of basic education department responsible person said. 教育部基础教育一司负责人说。
It tells me that a responsible person will always label the axes. 它告诉我一个有责任的人,应该要给坐标标值。
He seened to be a responsible person, so I left him to his own devices. 他看起来是一个有责任心的人,所以我让他放手去做。
Where the circumstance or the consequence is very serious, the responsible person shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. 对情节恶劣或后果严重的,依法追究有关负责人的责任。
A responsible person is a person who can be entrusted with task. 一个负责的人,是一个能够委以重任的人。
A responsible person owns up to their role in any situation, and learns from their mistakes. 一个负责人的人承认在任何处境下他们的角色,并从错误中学习。
A responsible person does what they said they'd do, because they said they would. 一个负责的人做自己说过要去做的,因为他们说他们会。
Yes, John is a responsible person. I trust him. 是的,约翰是个负责任的家伙,我信任他。
Well-defined the responsible department and the responsible person of fire security important sections; 明确消防安全重点部位的责任部门和责任人;
It is not easy to be a responsible person. 要做一个有责任心的人,不容易。
Has every planned action a responsible person and a due date? 每一个计划的行动都有负责人和预定日期吗?
The biggest difference is that you get treated like an older, more responsible person. 最大的区别是你被当作一个大人、一个更有责任感的人来看待。
Just because of his strictness of education, I became a very patient and responsible person. 正是他严格的教育,使我现在变得有毅力以及充满责任感。
I'm surefooted and am an industrious, responsible person. I love translating and often enjoy the job. 我是一个脚踏实地,刻苦努力,有责任心的人,热爱并且享受翻译工作。
Chloe: I'm just being a responsible person. 克洛伊:我只是想做一个有责任感的人。